Lami 2014. 7. 8. 23:16

오타와 문법오류 지적은 항상 감사합니다~

Thanks for pointing out typo or grammo. :-D


And now ...
[ garage 1 ]
K : I found garlics and onions.

[ Backyard ]
K : Lettuce here ...

(Lemi is searching for burner)
K : Come out, I found the burner already. 


열심히 먹다보니 고기 사진은 찍은게 없네요;
Didn't take any photo while eating;;

L : Shall we have late-night meal?
K : and you will be fat as a piglamb.
L : T-T

Only one has come but no more fear for the darkness. Lemi had so peaceful night.